Publicaciones representativas
- Alejandro Romero Francisco Bellas José Antonio Becerra Richard Duro, Towards Efficient Knowledge Reuse for Openended Learning in Real Robots through Motivation, 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 1 - 7, 2023
- Becerra J A Romero A Bellas F Duro R J, Motivational Engine and Long Term Memory Coupling within a Cognitive Architecture for Lifelong Openended Learning, Neurocomputing, pp 341 - 354, 2021
- Oscar Fontenla Romero Francisco Bellas Noelia SánchezMaroño José Antonio Becerra, Learning by Doing in Higher Education An Experience to Increase Selflearning and Motivation in First Courses, Proceedings CISIS 2021 and ICEUTE 2021, pp 336 - 345, 2021
- Alejandro Romero, Francisco Bellas, José A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Motivation as a tool for designing lifelong learning robots, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp 353 - 372, 2020
- Richard J. Duro, José A. Becerra, Juan Monroy, Francisco Bellas, Perceptual Generalization and Context in a Network Memory Inspired Long-Term Memory for Artificial Cognition, International Journal of Neural Systems, pp 1 - 22, 2019
- Richard J. Duro, Jose A. Becerra, Juan Monroy, and Luis Calvo, Multilevel Darwinist Brain: Context Nodes in a Network Memory Inspired Long Term Memory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 22 - 31, 2017
- R. J. Duro, J. A. Becerra, J. Monroy, P. Caamano, Considering Memory Networks in the LTM Structure of the Multilevel Darwinist Brain, Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp 1057 - 1060, 2016
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose A. Becerra and Richard Duro, A Framework for the Development of Context-Adaptable User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 1049 - 1074, 2016
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, José A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Improving the Portability of Ambient Intelligence Systems, Proceedings of International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2015), pp 77 - 88, 2015
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, José A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Autonomous Evaluation of Interaction Resource Adequateness for Ambient Intelligence Scenarios, Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2015), pp 174 - 186, 2015
- Richard J. Duro, Francisco Bellas, José A. Becerra, Rodrigo Salgado, A Role for Sleep in Artificial Cognition through Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 1 - 10, 2014
- Rafael Tedín, José A. Becerra and Richard J. Duro, Building the "Automatic Body Condition Assessment System" (ABiCA), an Automatic Body Condition Scoring System using Active Shape Models and Machine Learning, Recent Advances in Knowledge-based Paradigms and Applications (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), pp 145 - 168, 2014
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, J.A. Becerra, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, R.J. Duro, Towards ubiquity in ambient intelligence: User-guided component mobility in the HI3 architecture, Science of Computer Programming, pp 1971 - 1986, 2013
- R. Tedín, J.A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Using classifiers as heuristics to describe local structure in Active Shape Models with small training sets, Pattern Recognition Letters, pp 1710 - 1718, 2013
- Rafael Tedín, J. A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Fernando López Peña, Computational Intelligence based Construction of a Body Condition Assessment System for Cattle, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA 2013), pp 185 - 190, 2013
- Vicente Díaz-Casás, Jose-Antonio Becerra,Fernando Lopez-Peña, Richard J. Duro, Wind turbine design through evolutionary algorithms based on surrogate CFD methods, Optimization and Engineering, pp 305 - 329, 2013
- Pilar Caamaño, Francisco Bellas, Jose A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Evolutionary Algorithm Characterization in Real Parameter Optimization Problems, Applied Soft Computing, pp 1902 - 1921, 2013
Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Dandelion: Decoupled Distributed User Interfaces in the HI3 Ambient Intelligence Platform, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 161 - 164, 2012
Rafael Tedín, J. A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Ismael Martínez Lede, Towards Automatic Estimation of the Body Condition Score of Dairy Cattle Using Hand-held Images and Active Shape Models, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp 2150 - 2159, 2012
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, V. Sonora, J. A. Becerra, DAAF: a Device Abstraction and Aggregation Framework for Smart Environments, Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, pp 739 - 744, 2012
- Pilar Caamaño, Francisco Bellas, José A. Becerra, Vicente Díaz, Richard J. Duro, Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Fitness Landscape Topographical Characterization, Proceedings of the World Conference of Computational Intelligence 2012, pp 3324 - 3331, 2012
Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose Antonio Becerra, Santiago Vazquez-Rodriguez and Richard José Duro, UniDA: Uniform Device Access Framework for Human Interaction Environments, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 9361 - 9392, 2011
- D. B. Heras , F. Arguello , J. Lopez Gomez , J. A. Becerra , Richard J. Duro, Towards Real-time Hyperspectral Image Processing, a GP-GPU Implementation of Target Identification, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2011), pp 316 - 321, 2011
Pilar Caamaño, Jose A. Becerra, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, Are Evolutionary Algorithm Competitions Characterizing Landscapes Appropriately?, Proceedings of the 2011 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO' 2011), pp 695 - 702, 2011
- P. Caamaño, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, A. Prieto and R.J. Duro, Evolutionary Procedure for the Progressive Design of Controllers for Collective Behaviors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 471 - 478, 2011
- Abraham Prieto, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R.J. Duro, Open-ended Evolution as a means to Self-Organize Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems in Real Time, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pp 1282 - 1291, 2010
P. Caamaño, A. Prieto, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas and R.J. Duro, Real Valued Multimodal Fitness Landscape Characterization for Evolution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 567 - 574, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Jose A. Becerra, Blanca Priego, and Richard J. Duro, Self-organizing Robot Teams Using Asynchronous Situated Co-evolution, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 565 - 574, 2010
- Pilar Caamaño, Rafael Tedín, Alejandro Paz-López, Jose Antonio Becerra, JEAF: A Java Evolutionary Algorithm Framework, Proceedings of the World Congress of Computational Intelligence 2010, pp 3081 - 3088, 2010
- R.J. Duro, F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, Evolutionary architecture for lifelong learning and real-time operation in autonomous robots, Evolving Intelligent Systems: methodology and applications, pp 365 - 400, 2010
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, J. A. Becerra and R. J. Duro, Some Issues and Extensions of JADE to Cope with Multi-agent Operation in the Context of Ambient Inteligence, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pp 607 - 614, 2010
- F. Bellas, O. Fontenla-Romero, N. Sánchez-Maroño, J. A. Becerra, Web-Based Multimedia Tools for Monitoring and E-Learning, Monitoring and Assessment in Online Collaborative Environments: Emergent Computational Technologies for E-Learning Support, pp 1 - 21, 2009
- Pilar Caamaño, Jose Antonio Becerra, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, Using Spiking Neural Networks for the Generation of Coordinated Action Sequences in Robots, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 1013 - 1020, 2009
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, Using Promoters and Functional Introns in Genetic Algorithms for Neuroevolutionary Learning in Non-Stationary Problems, Neurocomputing, pp 2134 - 2145, 2009
- J. Monroy, J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Improving Performance in HPC Centers by Modeling Users Through an Evolutionary Virtual Interface, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 1885 - 1893, 2008
- Francisco Bellas, Jose A. Becerra, and Richard J. Duro, Internal and External Memory in Neuroevolution for Learning in Non-stationary Problems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 62 - 72, 2008
- P. Caamaño, F. Bellas, J. A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, Application Domain Study of Evolutionary Algorithms in Optimization Problems, Proceedings of the GECCO 2008, pp 377 - 384, 2008
- P. Caamaño, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, and F. Bellas, Incremental Evolution of Stigmergy-Based Multi Robot Controllers Through Utility Functions, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 1187 - 1195, 2007
- J. A. Becerra, V. Díaz Casás, and R. J. Duro, Exploring Macroevolutionary Algorithms: Some Extensions and Improvements, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 308 - 315, 2007
- Pilar Caamaño, Abraham Prieto, Jose Antonio Becerra, Richard Duro, and Francisco Bellas, Evolutionary Tool for the Incremental Design of Controllers for Collective Behaviors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 587 - 596, 2007
- J. Monroy, J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, F. López Peña, Automatic Profiling and Behavior Prediction of Computer system Users, Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Measurement Systems for Homeland Security, Contraband Detection and Personal Safety, pp 62 - 66, 2006
- J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, J. de Lope, Snake-Like Behaviors Using Macroevolutionary Algorithms and Modulation based Architectures, Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference, pp 725 - 730, 2006
- J. Monroy, J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Parallel Job Scheduling through Evolutionary Based Cognitive Strategies, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp 11043 - 11049, 2006
- J. Monroy, J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Intelligent Virtual Interface for Improving Performance in HPC Centers by Modelling Users and their Satisfaction, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, pp 69 - 74, 2006
J. Monroy, José A. Becerra, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, and Fernando López-Peña, A Profiling Based Intelligent Resource Allocation System, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 840 - 846, 2005
- J. A. Becerra, J. Santos, Neural Clustering Analysis of Macroevolutionary and Genetic Algorithms in the Evolution of Robot Controllers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 415 - 424, 2005
- J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, J. Santos, R.J. Duro, Complex Behaviours through modulation in Autonomous Robot Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 717 - 723, 2005
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, Evolution of Cooperating ANNs through Functional Phenotypic Affinity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 333 - 340, 2005
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, Induced behaviour in a Real Agent using the Multilevel Darwinist Brain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 425 - 434, 2005
- F. Bellas, J. A. Becerra and R. J. Duro, Evolution with Sampled Fitness Functions, Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations, pp 255 - 268, 2005
- J. A. Becerra, J. Santos and R.J. Duro, Robot Controller Evolution with Macroevolutionary Algorithms, Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations, pp 117 - 128, 2005
- V. Koval, Volodymyr Turchenko, Anatoly Sachenko, J. A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, V. Golovko, Infrared Sensor Data Correction for Local Area Map Construction by a Mobile Robot, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 306 - 315, 2003
- J. A. Becerra, J. Santos, R. J. Duro, Multimodule Artificial Neural Network Architectures for Autonomous Robot Control Through Behavior Modulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 169 - 176, 2003
- R. J. Duro, J. Santos, J. A. Becerra, Some Approaches for Reusing Behaviour Based Robot Cognitive Architectures Obtained Through Evolution, Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, pp 239 - 260, 2003
- J. A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, José Santos Reyes, Self Pruning Gaussian Synapse Networks for Behavior Based Robots, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 837 - 843, 2002
- J. A. Becerra, J. Santos, R. J. Duro, MA vs. GA in Low Population Evolutionary Processes with Mostly Flat Fitness Landscapes, Proceedings 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp 626 - 630, 2002
- F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, Sampled Fitness Functions in Complex Problems(part II): Critical Points and Constructing short term memories, Proceedings 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp 635 - 638, 2002
- F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, Sampled fitness functions in complex problems(part I): Influence of short term memory size, Proceedings 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pp 631 - 634, 2002
- P. González, J. R. Luaces, J. A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, I. López, Managing Distributed Resources in the SVG Project, Proceedings 10th Euromicro Workshop on parallel, Distributed and Network Based Processing, pp 139 - 146, 2002
J. Santos, R.J. Duro, J.A. Becerra, J.L. Crespo and F. Bellas, Considerations in the Application of Evolution to the Generation of Robot Controllers, Information Sciences, pp 127 - 148, 2001
- R.J. Duro, J. A. Becerra and J. Santos, Behavior Reuse and Virtual Sensors in the Evolution of Complex Behavior Architectures, Theory In Biosciences, pp 188 - 206, 2001
- F. Bellas, J. A. Becerra, J. Santos, R. J. Duro, Applying Synaptic Delays for Virtual Sensing and Actuation in Mobile Robots, Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'2000), pp 144 - 149, 2000
- J. Santos , R.J. Duro , J.A. Becerra, J.L. Crespo, F. Bellas, Aspects of Evolution for Obtaining Real Robot Controllers, Proceedings of Frontiers in Evolutionary Algorithms (FEA 2000), pp 1023 - 1027, 2000
- R.J. Duro, J. Santos and J.A. Becerra, Evolving ANN Controllers for Smart Mobile Robots, Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, pp 34 - 64, 2000
- Becerra, J.A., Santos, J., Duro, R.J., Progressive Construction of Compound Behavior Controllers for Autonomous Robots using Temporal Information, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 324 - 328, 1999
- Becerra, J.A., Santos, J., Duro, R.J, Using Temporal Information in ANNs for the Implementation of Autonomous Robot Controllers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 540 - 547, 1999