Publicaciones representativas
- Juan José Cartelle Barros, María Isabel Lamas Galdo, José Antonio Orosa García, José Manuel Pérez Canosa, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Characteristics of the onshore and offshore wind resource, Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2023
- Gennaro Rosano, Ermina Begovic, Guido Boccadamo, Marcos Míguez González, Barbara Rinauro, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Development of an on-board system to monitor and estimate lateral accelerations, Proceedings of the 19th International Stability Workshop, 2023
- Muhammad Fuad Shofly, Marcos Míguez González, Martín Landeira Freire, Silvia Gordillo Van Gils, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, On the development of a digital twin for fire-incident onboard guidance, Actas del IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Naval, 2023
- Gennaro Rosano, Ermina Begovic, Guido Boccadamo, Marcos Míguez González, Barbara Rinauro, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, On-board monitoring and estimation of lateral accelerations through extreme value theory, Ocean Engineering, 2023
- G. Rosano, E. Begovic, G. Boccadamo, M. Míguez González, B. Rinauro, L. Santiago Caamaño, On-board monitoring and estimation of lateral accelerations through extreme value theory, Ocean Engineering, pp 115177, 2023
- L. Santiago Caamaño, M. Míguez González, R. Galeazzi, U. D. Nielsen, V. Díaz Casás, Application of real-time estimation techniques for stability monitoring of fishing vessels, Springer series of Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications. Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability: From Dynamics to Criteria, pp 351 - 365, 2023
- M. Míguez González, G. Bulian, L. Santiago Caamaño, S. Allegue García, V. Díaz Casás, Roll motion spectral analysis for real-time stability guidance of fishing vessels, Springer series of Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications. Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability: From Dynamics to Criteria, pp 367 - 383, 2023
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño Marcos Míguez González Vicente Díaz Casás, Improving the performance of a stability monitoring system by adding wave encounter frequency estimation, Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles, 2022
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, María Isabel Lamas Galdo, Rodrigo Carballo, Iván López, Juan José Cartelle Barros, Luis Carral, Numerical and experimental analysis of the velocity field inside an artificial reef. Application to the Ares-Betanzos estuary, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering , 2022
- Alicia Munín Doce;Sara Ferreño González;Lucía Santiago Caamaño;Vicente Díaz Casás;Marcos Míguez González, Digital Twins for Warship Systems: Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Digital Twins for Warship Systems: Technologies, Applications and Challenges, 2022
- Increasing performance of realtime stability assessment through ship motion analysis, Proceedings of the 18th International Ship Stability Workshop, pp 109 - 116, 2022
- L Santiago Caamaño M Míguez González S Allegue García V Díaz Casás, Evaluation of onboard stability assessment techniques under real operational conditions, Ocean Engineering, 2022
- L. Santiago Caamaño, M. Míguez González, S. Allegue García, V. Díaz Casás, Evaluation of onboard stability assessment techniques under real operational conditions, Ocean Engineering, pp 111841, 2022
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Roberto Galeazzi, Ulrik D. Nielsen, Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, Real-time detection of transverse stability changes in fishing vessels, Ocean Engineering, pp 1 - 16, 2019
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Vicente Díaz Casás, Estudo comparativo das blue careers na Universidade da Coruña: unha perspectiva de xénero, VI Xornada Universitaria Galega en Xénero (XUGeX 2019), 2019
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Roberto Galeazzi, Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, Ulrik D. Nielsen, Experimental Validation of Transverse Stability Monitoring System for Fishing Vessels, Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles, 2019
L. Santiago Caamaño, M. Míguez González, R. Galeazzi, U.D. Nielsen, V. Díaz Casás, On the application of change detection techniques for the stability monitoring of fishing vessels, Proceedings of the 17th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW 2019), pp 159 - 167, 2019
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Eva Mª Aguayo Lorenzo, Ana Jesús Díaz López, Vicente Díaz Casás, Brecha de género en las “carreras azules”: El caso de ingeniería naval y oceánica en España, XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Economía Aplicada (ASEPELT 2019), 2019
- Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, On the feasibility of a real time stability assessment for fishing vessels, Ocean Engineering, pp 76 - 87, 2018
Míguez González, M., Santiago Caamaño, L., Díaz Casás, V., On the applicability of real time stability monitoring for increasing the safety of fishing vessels, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2018
- Santiago Caamaño, L., Míguez González, M., Díaz Casás, V., Improving the safety of fishing vessels trough roll motion analysis, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Artic Engineering, 2018
Marcos Míguez González, Gabriele Bulian, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Vicente Díaz Casás, Towards real-time identification of initial stability from ship roll motion analysis, Proceedings of the 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, pp 221 - 229, 2017
- Vicente Díaz Casás, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Marcos Míguez González, Andrea Novás Cortés, J. Rubio Planells, Experimental testing of a linear absorber wave energy converter: Effects of the mooring system, Proceedings of the 3rd Marine Energy Week, 2017
Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Real-Time Stability Assessment in Mid-Sized Fishing Vessels, Proceedings of the 15th International Ship Stability Workshop, pp 201 - 208, 2016