Publicaciones representativas
- P. Caamaño, G. Varela, R. J. Duro, An Evolutionary Approach to Constrained Sampling Optimization Problems, Applied Soft Computing, pp 266 - 279, 2017
F. López Peña, P. Caamaño, G. Varela, F. Orjales, & A. Deibe, Setting up a mixed reality simulator for using teams of autonomous UAVs in air pollution monitoring, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, pp 616 - 626, 2016
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose A. Becerra and Richard Duro, A Framework for the Development of Context-Adaptable User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 1049 - 1074, 2016
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, José A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Autonomous Evaluation of Interaction Resource Adequateness for Ambient Intelligence Scenarios, Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2015), pp 174 - 186, 2015
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, José A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Improving the Portability of Ambient Intelligence Systems, Proceedings of International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2015), pp 77 - 88, 2015
- Gervasio Varela, Pilar Caamano, Felix Orjales, Alvaro Deibe, Fernando Lopez-Pena and Richard Duro, Differential Evolution in Constrained Sampling Problems, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), pp 2375 - 2382, 2014
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose Antonio Becerra Permuy, Richard J. Duro Fernandez, Prototyping Distributed Physical User Interfaces in Ambient Intelligence Setups, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 76 - 85, 2014
Gervasio Varela, Pilar Caamaño, Felix Orjales, Álvaro Deibe, Fernando López-Peña, Richard J. Duro, Autonomous UAV Based Search Operations Using Constrained Sampling Evolutionary Algorithms, Neurocomputing, pp 54 - 67, 2014
- Varela G., Par-Lopez A., Becerra J.A. and Duro R.J, The Generic Interaction Protocol: Increasing portability of distributed physical user interfaces, Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, pp 249 - 268, 2013
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, J.A. Becerra, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, R.J. Duro, Towards ubiquity in ambient intelligence: User-guided component mobility in the HI3 architecture, Science of Computer Programming, pp 1971 - 1986, 2013
- P. Caamaño, G. Varela and R.J. Duro, Addressing Constrained Sampling Optimization Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings of Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS 2013), pp 390 - 400, 2013
G. Varela, A. Paz-Lopez, J. A. Becerra , R. J. Duro, Decoupled Distributed User Interface Development Framework for Ambient Intelligence Systems, Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Models, Methods and Tools, DUI 2013, pp 23 - 26, 2013
Gervasio Varela, Autonomous adaptation of user interfaces to support mobility in ambient intelligence systems, Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, pp 179 - 182, 2013
- F. López Peña, A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, R. J. Duro, Dynamic Maps of Urban Air Pollutants from Vehicle Based Opportunistic Sensor Network Data, Environmental Semeiotics, pp 31 - 39, 2012
Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Dandelion: Decoupled Distributed User Interfaces in the HI3 Ambient Intelligence Platform, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 161 - 164, 2012
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, V. Sonora, J. A. Becerra, DAAF: a Device Abstraction and Aggregation Framework for Smart Environments, Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, pp 739 - 744, 2012
Santiago Vazquez-Rodriguez, Jesús Á. Gomollón, Gervasio Varela and Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Non-Observability Analysis by Means of an Evolutionary Technique in Measured Electric Power Systems, Proceedings WCCI 2012, pp 1227 - 1233, 2012
G. Varela, A. Paz-Lopez, J. A. Becerra, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, R. J. Duro, Towards Mobility in Ambient Intelligence: Component Migration and Adaptation Strategies in the HI3 Architecture, 5th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2011), 2011
Gervasio Varela, Pilar Caamaño, Felix Orjales, Álvaro Deibe, Fernando López-Peña and Richard J. Duro, Swarm Intelligence based Approach for Real Time UAV Team Coordination in Search Operations, Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, pp 372 - 377, 2011
Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose Antonio Becerra, Santiago Vazquez-Rodriguez and Richard José Duro, UniDA: Uniform Device Access Framework for Human Interaction Environments, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 9361 - 9392, 2011
- Abraham Prieto García, Gervasio Varela Fernández, Blanca María Priego Torres, Fernando López-Peña, Mixed reality educational environment for robotics, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems Proceedings, pp 119 - 124, 2011
J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, G. Varela and F. López-Peña, A Tool for the Automatic Comparison of Student Code in the Context of Computational Programming Teaching, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on European Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2010), pp 139 - 146, 2010
- R. J. Duro, F. Bellas, P. Caamaño and G. Varela, Automatic model decomposition and reuse in an evolutionary cognitive mechanism, Evolving Systems, pp 129 - 141, 2010
- F. Bellas, A. Faiña, G. Varela, R. J. Duro, A Cognitive Developmental Robotics Architecture for Lifelong Learning by Evolution in Real Robots, Proceedings IEEE WCCI 2010, pp 47 - 54, 2010
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, J. A. Becerra and R. J. Duro, Some Issues and Extensions of JADE to Cope with Multi-agent Operation in the Context of Ambient Inteligence, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pp 607 - 614, 2010
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, J. A. Becerra and R. J. Duro, Integrating Ambient Intelligence Technologies Using an Architectural Approach, Ambient Intelligence, pp 1 - 26, 2010
- Fernando Lopez-Peña, Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Richard J. Duro and Francisco J. González-Castaño, Public Transportation Based Dynamic Urban Pollution Monitoring System, Sensors & Transducers, pp 13 - 25, 2010
G. Varela, A. Paz-Lopez, R. J. Duro, F. Lopez-Peña, F. J. González-Castaño, An Integrated System for Urban Pollution Monitoring through a Public Transportation based Opportunistic Mobile Sensor Network, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, pp 148 - 153, 2009
- A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, J.Monroy, S.Vazquez-Rodriguez, R.J. Duro, HI3 Project: Software Architecture System for Elderly Care in a Retirement Home, Advances in Soft Computing, pp 11 - 20, 2008
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, J. Monroy, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, R. J. Duro, HI3 Project: General Purpose Ambient Intelligence Architecture, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI'08), pp 77 - 81, 2008
G. Varela, A. Paz-López, S. Vázquez-Rodríguez, R. J. Duro, HI3 Project: Design and Implementation of the Lower Level Layers, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE VECIMS, pp 1 - 6, 2007