Publicaciones representativas
- Learning Adaptable Utility Models for Morphological Diversity, Bioinspired Systems for Translational Applications: From Robotics to Social Engineering (IWINAC 2024), pp 105 - 115, 2024
- Alejandro Romero, Francisco Bellas, Richard Duro, A Perspective on Lifelong OpenEnded Learning Autonomy for Robotics through Cognitive Architectures, Sensors, 2023
- Engineering Morphological Development in a Robotic Bipedal Walking Problem An Empirical Study, Neurocomputing, pp 83 - 99, 2023
- NayaVarela Martín Faiña Andrés Duro Richard J, Guiding the Exploration of the Solution Space in Walking Robots Through GrowthBased Morphological Development, GECCO23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp 1230 - 1238, 2023
- Alejandro Romero Gianluca Baldasarre Richard Duro Vieri Giuliano Santucci, Learning Multiple Tasks with Nonstationary Interdependencies in Autonomous Robots, 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pp 2547 - 2549, 2023
- Francisco Bellas Sara GuerreiroSantalla Martin Naya and Richard J Duro, AI Curriculum for European High Schools An Embedded Intelligence Approach, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp 399 - 426, 2023
- Alejandro Romero Francisco Bellas José Antonio Becerra Richard Duro, Towards Efficient Knowledge Reuse for Openended Learning in Real Robots through Motivation, 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 1 - 7, 2023
- Alejandro Romero Blaz Meden Francisco Bellas Richard Duro, Using perceptual classes to dream policies in openended learning robotics, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 2023
- Romero A Blaz M Bellas F Duro RJ, Using perceptual classes to dream policies in openended learning robotics, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp 205 - 222, 2023
- Romero A Baldasarre G Duro RJ Santucci VG, Autonomous learning of multiple curricula with nonstationary interdependencies, Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, 2022
- NayaVarela M, Faina A, Mallo A, Duro RJ, A Study of Growth Based Morphological Development in Neural Network Controlled Walkers, Neurocomputing, pp 279 - 294, 2022
- NayaVarela M Faina A Duro R J, Harnessing GrowthBased Morphological Development to Facilitate Learning ANN Controlled Bipedal Walking, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2022), pp 1 - 8, 2022
- Romero A Piater J Bellas F Duro RJ, ANN based Representation Learning in a Lifelong Openended Learning Cognitive Architecture, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2022, pp 1 - 8, 2022
- Alejandro Romero Blaz Meden Francisco Bellas and Richard J Duro, Autonomous Knowledge Representation for Efficient Skill Learning in Cognitive Robots, Bio-inspired Systems and Applications: from Robotics to Ambient Intelligence, pp 253 - 263, 2022
- A. Prieto, A. Romero, F. Bellas, R. Salgado and R.J. Duro, Introducing Separable Utility Regions in a Motivational Engine for Cognitive Developmental Robotics, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp 3 - 20, 2019
- Richard J. Duro, José A. Becerra, Juan Monroy, Francisco Bellas, Perceptual Generalization and Context in a Network Memory Inspired Long-Term Memory for Artificial Cognition, International Journal of Neural Systems, pp 1 - 22, 2019
- Blanca Priego, Richard J. Duro, An Approach for the Customized High-Dimensional Segmentation of Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Images, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 2887 - 2919, 2019
- A. Romero, A. Prieto, F. Bellas and R.J. Duro, Simplifying the Creation and Management of Utility Models in Continuous Domains for Cognitive Robotics, Neurocomputing, pp 106 - 118, 2019
- Stephane Doncieux, David Filliat, Natalia Díaz-Rodríguez, Timothy Hospedales, Richard Duro, Alexandre Coninx, Diederik M. Roijers, Benoit Girard, Nicolas Perrin, Olivier Sigaud, Open-ended Learning: a Conceptual Framework based on Representational Redescription, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, pp 59 - 67, 2018
- Priego, B., Duro, R. J., & Chanussot, J., 4DCAF: A temporal approach for denoising hyperspectral image sequences, Pattern Recognition, pp 433 - 445, 2017
- P. Caamaño, G. Varela, R. J. Duro, An Evolutionary Approach to Constrained Sampling Optimization Problems, Applied Soft Computing, pp 266 - 279, 2017
- J. López-Fandiño, B. Priego, D. B. Heras, F. Arguello, Richard J. Duro, GPU Projection of ECAS-II Segmenter for Hyperspectral Images Based on Cellular Automata, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, pp 20 - 28, 2017
- Priego, B., Prieto, A., Duro, R. J. and Chanussot, J., A cellular automata‐based filtering approach to multi‐temporal image denoising, Expert systems, pp e12235 - n/a, 2017
- Richard J. Duro, Jose A. Becerra, Juan Monroy, and Luis Calvo, Multilevel Darwinist Brain: Context Nodes in a Network Memory Inspired Long Term Memory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 22 - 31, 2017
- Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose A. Becerra and Richard Duro, A Framework for the Development of Context-Adaptable User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 1049 - 1074, 2016
- R. Salgado, A. Prieto, F. Bellas, L. Calvo-Varela, R.J. Duro, Motivational engine with autonomous sub-goal identification for the Multilevel Darwinist Brain, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, pp 1 - 11, 2016
- Abraham Prieto, F. Bellas, P. Trueba and R.J. Duro, Real-time optimization of dynamic problems through distributed Embodied Evolution, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp 237 - 253, 2016
- P. Caamaño, R. Salgado, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Introducing Synaptic Delays in the NEAT Algorithm to Improve Modelling in Cognitive Robotics, Neural Processing Letters, pp 479 - 504, 2016
- A. Prieto, F. Bellas, P. Trueba, R.J. Duro, Towards the standardization of distributed Embodied Evolution, Information Sciences, pp 55 - 77, 2015
- Pilar Caamaño, Francisco Bellas, Richard Duro, tau-NEAT: Initial Experiments in Precise Temporal Processing through Neuroevolution, Neurocomputing, pp 43 - 49, 2015
- A. Faiña, F. Bellas, F. Orjales, D. Souto, R.J. Duro, An Evolution Friendly Modular Architecture to Produce Feasible Robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pp 195 - 205, 2015
- Blanca Priego, Daniel Souto, Francisco Bellas y Richard J. Duro, Training Cellular Automata for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, Advanced Data Acquisition and Intelligent Data Processing, pp 271 - 292, 2014
Gervasio Varela, Pilar Caamaño, Felix Orjales, Álvaro Deibe, Fernando López-Peña, Richard J. Duro, Autonomous UAV Based Search Operations Using Constrained Sampling Evolutionary Algorithms, Neurocomputing, pp 54 - 67, 2014
- Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño, Andres Faiña, Richard J. Duro, Dynamic Learning in Cognitive Robotics through a Procedural Long Term Memory, Evolving Systems, pp 49 - 63, 2014
- Richard J. Duro, Francisco Bellas, José A. Becerra Permuy, Brain-Like Robotics, Springer Handbook of Bio-/Neuroinformatics, pp 1019 - 1056, 2014
- Varela G., Par-Lopez A., Becerra J.A. and Duro R.J, The Generic Interaction Protocol: Increasing portability of distributed physical user interfaces, Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, pp 249 - 268, 2013
- Andrés Faíña, Francisco Bellas, Fernando López-Peña, Richard J. Duro, EDHMoR: Evolutionary designer of heterogeneous modular robots, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp 2408 - 2423, 2013
A. Paz-Lopez, G. Varela, J.A. Becerra, S. Vazquez-Rodriguez, R.J. Duro, Towards ubiquity in ambient intelligence: User-guided component mobility in the HI3 architecture, Science of Computer Programming, pp 1971 - 1986, 2013
- R. Tedín, J.A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, Using classifiers as heuristics to describe local structure in Active Shape Models with small training sets, Pattern Recognition Letters, pp 1710 - 1718, 2013
- Blanca Priego, Daniel Souto, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, Hyperspectral Image Segmentation through Evolved Cellular Automata, Pattern Recognition Letters, pp 1648 - 1658, 2013
- P. Caamaño, G. Varela and R.J. Duro, Addressing Constrained Sampling Optimization Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings of Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS 2013), pp 390 - 400, 2013
- P. Trueba, A. Prieto, F. Bellas, P. Caamaño, R.J. Duro, Specialization analysis of embodied evolution for robotic collective tasks, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pp 682 - 693, 2013
- Vicente Díaz-Casás, Jose-Antonio Becerra,Fernando Lopez-Peña, Richard J. Duro, Wind turbine design through evolutionary algorithms based on surrogate CFD methods, Optimization and Engineering, pp 305 - 329, 2013
- Andrés Faíña, Felix Orjales, Francisco Bellas, and Richard J. Duro, Implicit and Robust Evaluation Methodology for the Evolutionary Design of Feasible Robots, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 102 - 111, 2013
- Pilar Caamaño, Andrés Faiña, Francisco Bellas, and Richard J. Duro, Multiscale Dynamic Learning in Cognitive Robotics, Natural and Artificial Computation in Engineering and Medical Applications Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 56 - 65, 2013
- F. Lopez Pena , V. Diaz Casas, A. Gosset, R.J. Duro, A surrogate method based on the enhancement of low fidelity computational fluid dynamics approximations by artificial neural networks, Computers & Fluids, pp 34 - 45, 2012
- Pedro Trueba, Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño, and Richard J. Duro, Self-organization and Specialization in Multiagent Systems through Open-Ended Natural Evolution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 93 - 102, 2012
Santiago Vazquez-Rodriguez, Jesús Á. Gomollón, Richard J. Duro and Fernando López Peña, A Graph Approach to Observability in Physical Sparse Linear Systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, pp 1 - 26, 2012
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño, Richard J. Duro, Automatic Neural-based Pattern Classification of Motion Behaviors in Autonomous Robots, Neurocomputing, pp 146 - 155, 2012
- A. Faiña, F. Orjales, F. Bellas and R.J. Duro, First Steps towards a Heterogeneous Modular Robotic Architecture for Intelligent Industrial Operation, Workshop Reconfigurable Modular Robotics: Challenges of Mechatronic and Bio-Chemo-Hybrid Systems, IROS, pp 06, 2011
Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Jose Antonio Becerra, Santiago Vazquez-Rodriguez and Richard José Duro, UniDA: Uniform Device Access Framework for Human Interaction Environments, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 9361 - 9392, 2011
- R. J. Duro, F. Bellas, A. Prieto, A. Paz-Lopez, Social Learning for Collaboration through ASiCo based Neuroevolution, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, pp 125 - 139, 2011
- P. Trueba, A. Prieto, P. Caamaño, F. Bellas and R. J. Duro, Task-Driven Species in Evolutionary Robotic Teams, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 138 - 147, 2011
- P. Caamaño, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, A. Prieto and R.J. Duro, Evolutionary Procedure for the Progressive Design of Controllers for Collective Behaviors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 471 - 478, 2011
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño and Richard J. Duro, Solving a heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows through the Asynchonrous Situated Coevolution Algorithm, Advances in artificial life. Proceedings ECAL 2009, pp 200 - 207, 2011
- F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, A. Faiña, D. Souto, MDB: Artificial Evolution in a Cognitive Architecture for Real Robots, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, pp 340 - 354, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R.J. Duro, Open-ended Evolution as a means to Self-Organize Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems in Real Time, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pp 1282 - 1291, 2010
- Anne Gosset, Vicente Díaz Casás, Richard J. Duro, and Fernando López Peña, Improving the analysis of hydrofoils undergoing cavitation by using artificial neural networks, Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, pp 41 - 44, 2010
P. Caamaño, A. Prieto, J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas and R.J. Duro, Real Valued Multimodal Fitness Landscape Characterization for Evolution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 567 - 574, 2010
- R. J. Duro, F. Bellas, P. Caamaño and G. Varela, Automatic model decomposition and reuse in an evolutionary cognitive mechanism, Evolving Systems, pp 129 - 141, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, and Fernando López-Peña, An Adaptive Approach for the Progressive Integration of Spatial and Spectral Features When Training Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Classifiers, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 2083 - 2093, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Jose A. Becerra, Blanca Priego, and Richard J. Duro, Self-organizing Robot Teams Using Asynchronous Situated Co-evolution, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 565 - 574, 2010
- R.J. Duro, M. Graña, J. de Lope, On the potential contributions of hybrid intelligent approaches to Multicomponent Robotic System development, Information Sciences, pp 2635 - 2648, 2010
- Fernando López Peña, Juan Luís Crespo, and Richard J. Duro, Unmixing Low-Ratio Endmembers in Hyperspectral Images Through Gaussian Synapse ANNs, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 1834 - 1840, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño and Richard J. Duro, Automatic Behavior Pattern Classification for Social Robots, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 88 - 95, 2010
- Javier Vales-Alonso, Pablo López-Matencio, Francisco J. González-Castaño, Honorio, Navarro-Hellín, Pedro J. Baños-Guirao, Francisco J. Pérez-Martínez, Rafael P. Martínez-Álvarez, Daniel González-Jiménez, Felipe Gil-Castiñeira and Richard Duro-Fernández, Ambient Intelligence Systems for Personalized Sport Training, Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments, pp 2359 - 2385, 2010
- Fernando Lopez-Peña, Gervasio Varela, Alejandro Paz-Lopez, Richard J. Duro and Francisco J. González-Castaño, Public Transportation Based Dynamic Urban Pollution Monitoring System, Sensors & Transducers, pp 13 - 25, 2010
- V. Díaz-Casas, P. Porca Belío, F. López Peña and R.J. Duro, Improving Low-cost Sail Simulator Results by Artificial Neural Networks Models, Advances in Machine Learning and Data Analysis, pp 139 - 149, 2010
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, and Richard J. Duro, Adaptively Coordinating Heterogeneous Robot Teams through Asynchronous Situated Coevolution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 75 - 82, 2009
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Andres Faiña, Richard J. Duro, Asynchronous Situated Coevolution and Embryonic Reproduction as a Means to Autonomously Coordinate Robot Teams, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 351 - 359, 2009
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. J. Duro, Using Promoters and Functional Introns in Genetic Algorithms for Neuroevolutionary Learning in Non-Stationary Problems, Neurocomputing, pp 2134 - 2145, 2009
- V. Díaz Casás, P. Porca Belío, F. Lopez Peña, R.J. Duro, Wind Tunnel Corrections for a Low Cost Simulator in an Evolutionary Sail Optimization Enviroment, Proceedings WCECS 2008, pp 1029 - 1034, 2008
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Pilar Caamaño, Richard J. Duro, A Complex Systems Based Tool for Collective Robot Behavior Emergence and Analysis, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 633 - 640, 2008
- J. Monroy, J. A. Becerra, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Improving Performance in HPC Centers by Modeling Users Through an Evolutionary Virtual Interface, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 1885 - 1893, 2008
- Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Fernando Lopez-Peña, Richard J. Duro, Automatic Preprocessing and Classification System for High Resolution Ultra and Hyperspectral Images, Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, pp 313 - 340, 2008
- R. J. Duro, F. Lopez-Pena and J. L. Crespo, Using Gaussian Synapse ANNs for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation and Endmember Extraction, Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing, pp 341 - 362, 2008
- F. Gil-Castiñeira, F.J. González-Castaño, R. J. Duro, F. Lopez-Peña, Urban Pollution Monitoring through Opportunistic Mobile Sensor Networks Based on Public Transport, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems And Applications (CIMSA2008), pp 70 - 74, 2008
- Francisco Bellas, Jose A. Becerra, and Richard J. Duro, Internal and External Memory in Neuroevolution for Learning in Non-stationary Problems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 62 - 72, 2008
Vicente Díaz Casás, Fernando López Peña, Marcos Míguez González, Richard J. Duro, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Simulación Numérica en Problemas de Optimización Hidrodinámica, Revista de Ingeniería Naval (RIN), pp 100 - 107, 2008
Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, Fernando López Peña, Richard J. Duro, Buques de Pesca y Eficiencia Energética: Proyecto Peixe Verde. Actividad del Grupo Integrado de Ingeniería., Revista de Ingeniería Naval (RIN), pp 94 - 101, 2008
- P. Caamaño, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, and F. Bellas, Incremental Evolution of Stigmergy-Based Multi Robot Controllers Through Utility Functions, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 1187 - 1195, 2007
- F. López Peña, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, and P. Fariñas, On the Analysis of Turbulent Flow Signals by Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Techniques, Proceedings of the 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference (FEDSM2007), pp 1 - 6, 2007
- Crespo, J.L., Faiña, A., and Duro, R.J., An Implementation of a General Purpose Attentional Mechanism for Artificial Organisms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 99 - 108, 2007
- Pilar Caamaño, Abraham Prieto, Jose Antonio Becerra, Richard Duro, and Francisco Bellas, Evolutionary Tool for the Incremental Design of Controllers for Collective Behaviors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 587 - 596, 2007
- Abraham Prieto, F. Bellas, R. Duro, F. Lopez-Peña, Auto adjustable ANN-based classification system for optimal high dimensional data analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 588 - 596, 2007
- A. Prieto, F. Bellas, F. López-Peña, R. J. Duro, Integration of Spatial Information in Hyperspectral Imaging for Real Time Quality Control in an Andalusite Processing Line, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 292 - 299, 2006
- F. Bellas, A. Faiña, A. Prieto, and R.J. Duro, Adaptive Learning Application of the MDB Evolutionary Cognitive Architecture in Physical Agents, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 434 - 445, 2006
- Abraham Prieto, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, F. López-Peña, Adaptive Spatio-Spectral Hyperspectral Image Processing for Online Industrial Classification of Inhomogeneous Materials, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, pp 116 - 121, 2006
F. López Peña, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro and M. L. Sánchez Simón, Using Adaptive Artificial Neural Networks for Reconstructing Irregularly Sampled Laser Doppler Velocimetry Signals, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 916 - 922, 2006
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. Duro, Construction of a Memory Management System in an On-line Learning Mechanism, Proceedings ESANN 2006, pp 95 - 100, 2006
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R. Duro, Some experimental results with a two level memory management system in the multilevel darwinist brain, Proceedings ESANN 2006, pp 113 - 118, 2006
- F. Lopez Peña, R.J. Duro, On the Development of a Hyperspectral Multisensor System for Marine Spills Detection and Tracking, Abstracts book.2º International Conference on Applied Geophysics for Engineering, pp 8 - 9, 2005
F. Bellas, R.J. Duro, F. Lopez-Peña, Blind Signal Separation through Cooperating ANNs, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 847 - 853, 2005
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, Evolution of Cooperating ANNs through Functional Phenotypic Affinity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 333 - 340, 2005
- J.A. Becerra, F. Bellas, J. Santos, R.J. Duro, Complex Behaviours through modulation in Autonomous Robot Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 717 - 723, 2005
F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R.J. Duro, Induced behaviour in a Real Agent using the Multilevel Darwinist Brain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 425 - 434, 2005
- V. Díaz Casás, F. Lopez Peña, A. Lamas and R. J. Duro, An evolutionary Environment for Wind Turbine Blade design, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 1188 - 1196, 2005
- A. Lamas, R.J. Duro, Evolutionary environment for 3D morphological design, International Scientific Journal of Computing, pp 56 - 62, 2005
- Grana, M.; Duro, R.J.; Anjou, A.d.; Wang, P.P., Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations, Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms From Industrial Applications to Academic Speculations, 2005
- J. Santos y R. J. Duro, Evolución artificial y robótica autónoma, Evolución artificial y robótica autónoma, 2005
- F. López Peña, R. J. Duro, A Hyperspectral Based Multisensor System for Marine Oil Spill Detection, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 669 - 676, 2004
- J. L. Crespo, R. J. Duro and F. López Peña, Spectral Unmixing Through Gaussian Synapse ANNs in Hyperspectral Images, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 661 - 668, 2004
F. Bellas, R. J. Duro, Some Thoughts on the use of Sampled Fitness Functions for the Multilevel Darwinist Brain, Information Sciences, pp 159 - 179, 2004
- A. Lamas and R.J. Duro, A Tool for the Automatic Design of Electronic Control Systems and Circuits for Manufacturing Plants, International Scientific Journal of Computing, pp 76 - 81, 2003
S. Vázquez-Rodríguez and R.J. Duro, A Genetic Based Technique for the Determination of Power System Topological Observability, International Scientific Journal of Computing, pp 16 - 21, 2003
F. López Peña and R.J. Duro, A Virtual Instrument for Anemometer Calibration with ANN Based Supervision, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 654 - 661, 2003
- V. Koval, Volodymyr Turchenko, Anatoly Sachenko, J. A. Becerra, Richard J. Duro, V. Golovko, Infrared Sensor Data Correction for Local Area Map Construction by a Mobile Robot, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 306 - 315, 2003
- R.J. Duro, J.L. Crespo and F. López Peña, Gaussian Synapse ANNs in Multi and Hyperspectral Image Data Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp 724 - 732, 2003
- R. J. Duro and J. Santos, Modelling Temporal Series Through Synaptic Delay-based Neural Networks, Neural Computing & Applications, pp 224 - 237, 2003
- J. A. Becerra, J. Santos, R. J. Duro, Multimodule Artificial Neural Network Architectures for Autonomous Robot Control Through Behavior Modulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 169 - 176, 2003
- R. J. Duro, J. Santos, J. A. Becerra, Some Approaches for Reusing Behaviour Based Robot Cognitive Architectures Obtained Through Evolution, Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, pp 239 - 260, 2003
- R.J. Duro, J. Santos and M. Graña, Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, 2003
F. López Peña, R.J. Duro, M. Sánchez Simón, Detecting Coherent Structures in a Turbulent Wake using Delay based Networks, Computer Standards & Interfaces, pp 171 - 184, 2002
- Santos, J. and Duro, R.J., Influence of Noise on Discrete Time Backpropagation Trained Networks, Neurocomputing, pp 67 - 89, 2001
F. Bellas, A. Lamas, R. J. Duro, Adaptive Behavior through a Darwinist Machine, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 86 - 89, 2001
- A. Lamas, R. J. Duro, F. López Peña, Automatic Design of Controllers for Underwater Autonomous Vehicles, an Evolutionary Approach, Actas del Oceans III, 1er Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Marina, pp 407 - 408, 2001
- R.J. Duro, J. A. Becerra and J. Santos, Behavior Reuse and Virtual Sensors in the Evolution of Complex Behavior Architectures, Theory In Biosciences, pp 188 - 206, 2001
- J. Santos and R. J. Duro, Pi Units in Temporal Time Delay Based Networks Trained with Discrete Time Backpropagation, International Journal of Computers Systems and Signals, pp 31 - 42, 2001
- Duro, R.J., and Santos, J., Chaotic Time Series Prediction with Discrete Time Backpropagation, Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, pp 398 - 404, 2001
- R.J. Duro, J. Santos and J.A. Becerra, Evolving ANN Controllers for Smart Mobile Robots, Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, pp 34 - 64, 2000
- Duro, R.J., Santos J., Discrete Time Backpropagation for training Synaptic Delay Based Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, pp 779 - 789, 1999
- Duro, R.J., Santos J., Discrete Time Backpropagation and Synaptic Delay Based Artificial Neural Networks in Chaotic Time Series Prediction, Proc. of ICANN98, pp 821 - 826, 1998
- F. Prieto, R.J. Duro, J. Santos, Modelo de Mecanismo Mental Darwinista para Robots Móviles Autónomos, Actas del Seminario Anual de Automática y Electrónica, pp 606 - 612, 1996
- R.J. Duro, J. Santos, Evolutionary Aided Design of Pattern Detecting Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks, Proccedings of the EuroCAST 95, pp 00 - 00, 1995
- Duro R.J., Santos J. and Sarmiento, A., GENIAL, an Evolutionary Recurrent Neural Network Designer and Trainer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 295 - 301, 1994
- J. Rivas, M. A. López-Quintela, M. G. Bonome, R. J. Duro and J.M.Greneche, Production and Characterization of FeB amorphous particles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, pp 1 - 5, 1993
- M. A. López-Quintela, J. Rivas, R. J. Duro, I. Winter and M. G. Bonome, Structural and Magnetic Properties of FeB based Amorphous Powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, pp 307 - 309, 1992
- M. Tovar, X. Obradors, F. Pérez, S. B. Oseroff, R. J. Duro, J. Rivas, D. Chateigner, P. Bordet and J. Chenavas, Weak Ferromagnetism and Spin Glass Like Behavior in Tb2CuO4, Journal of Appl. Physics., pp 6095 - 6097, 1991
- J. Rivas, R.J. Duro, M. A. López Quintela, Magnetic Study of Fine and Ultrafine Particles of Amorphous NdFeB oxides, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, pp 403 - 405, 1991